

Over 75 types of wood in dif­fe­rent qua­li­ties — at Bro­szeit you will find an enorm­ously wide ran­ge of high-qua­li­ty wood veneers in the most diver­se colours as well as with count­less struc­tures and pat­terns. Whe­ther block­board, MDF board, chip­board, ply­wood, mul­ti­plex or ver­mi­cu­li­te: all raw mate­ri­als or deri­ved tim­ber pro­ducts from our ran­ge can be coa­ted with veneer as desired.


New and almost limit­less design pos­si­bi­li­ties for archi­tects, do-it-your­sel­fers and desi­gners thanks to a wide ran­ge of fine venee­red sur­faces right up to real stone veneer.

Appli­ca­ti­on area

Wall panell­ing and furniture



  • Real stone veneer, fiberglass back - Losán

    The stone veneers from Losan are so thin and flexible that they can also be attached to curved walls and partitions, columns, ceilings, wet rooms, bathrooms as well as doors and furniture. Stone veneer is a unique natural product. For this reason, the color and structure of the material supplied may differ from product samples and images in advertising materials. Please note that this is not a reason for complaint. Order a set of DINA 4 samples for a nominal fee of 10 €.
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  • Real stone veneer, fiberglass back - Losán

    The stone veneers from Losan are so thin and flexible that they can also be attached to curved walls and partitions, columns, ceilings, wet rooms, bathrooms as well as doors and furniture. Stone veneer is a unique natural product. For this reason, the color and structure of the material supplied may differ from product samples and images in advertising materials. Please note that this is not a reason for complaint. Order a set of DINA 4 samples for a nominal fee of 10 €.
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The solu­ti­on for

They have been instal­led in almost all 3300 Ger­man REWE bran­ches sin­ce 2019: noi­se pro­tec­tion cei­ling panels from Bro­szeit in the form of woo­den mosaic tiles with a uni­que 3D real wood surface.

Broszeit Group Partnerlogo LosanNL

Agen­cy part­ner Losán NL

The finest venee­red products

LosánNL deli­vers world­wi­de to 36 count­ries and is one of the lea­ding manu­fac­tu­r­ers of high-qua­li­ty venee­red wood-based mate­ri­als. LosánNL’s pro­duct lines offer a wide ran­ge of dif­fe­rent wood types, colors, appli­ca­ti­ons, and sur­faces. LosánNL experts con­ti­nuous­ly adapt the veneer sel­ec­tion accor­ding to cus­to­mer requi­re­ments to pro­vi­de the per­fect solu­ti­on for every design chall­enge. LosánNL employs ful­ly envi­ron­men­tal­ly con­scious manu­fac­tu­ring pro­ces­ses. Raw mate­ri­als are sourced from LosánNL’s own spe­ci­al­ly plan­ted forests near their glo­bal factories.

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