

Sin­ce 2019, Bro­szeit Group has also included a ply­wood and coa­ting plant with its own pro­ces­sing and assem­bly cent­re in Neu­gers­dorf, Sax­o­ny. This means that we can now offer our cus­to­mers ply­wood in birch, beech or pop­lar “Made in Ger­ma­ny” — with HPL as well as CPL sur­face coa­ting on request. In addi­ti­on, we also sup­p­ly spe­cial ply­wood with various midd­le lay­ers such as alu­mi­ni­um core, cork, cork-rub­ber mix­tu­re or hea­vy-duty foil on request.


Depen­ding on the type of wood or design used, Bro­szeit ply­wood is extre­me­ly light, high­ly sta­ble, ben­da­ble, fla­me retar­dant and resistant to mois­tu­re and high tem­pe­ra­tu­re fluctuations.

Appli­ca­ti­on area

Fur­ni­tu­re con­s­truc­tion, coun­ter con­s­truc­tion, object con­s­truc­tion, shop fit­ting, ship­buil­ding, vehic­le con­s­truc­tion, faca­des, load-bea­ring and stres­sed constructions




  • stable board for use in shop fitting and decoration

    Deck: birch peeled veneer according to SFS 2413
    Gluing: MR moisture-resistant - albasia plywood
    Surface: sanded on both sides
    Format: 2500 × 1220 mm (other formats on request)
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  • stable board for use in shopfitting and decoration

    predominantly dense middle layers,
    Face veneer: drawn
    Gluing: MR E1 moisture-proof
    Quality: B / BB
    Gross density: approx. 350-380 kg / m3
    Format: 2500 × 1220 mm (other formats on request)
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  • BIRCH AIRCRAFT PLYWOOD through and through

    Quality: B/BB according to SFS 2413
    Gluing: TegoFilm semi-transparent
    Surface: sanded on both sides
    Thickness and dimensional tolerance according to EN315
    Bulk density: approx. 680-750 kg/m3
    Surface: sanded grain 100-120
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  • stable board for use in shopfitting and decoration

    predominantly dense middle layers
    Face veneers drawn
    Gluing MR E1 moisture-proof
    Quality B / BB
    Bulk density approx. 350-380 kg / m3
    both formats can be laminated paper + CPL
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  • suitable for interior work

    preponderant density Middle layers
    Gluing: WBP Phenolic Class 3 according to DIN EN 636-3
    Quality: B/BB according to SFS2413 Finnish manual
    Bulk density: approx. 780 kg/m3
    Dimensional tolerances according toEN 315
    Thickness tolerance: +/- 0,3 mm calibrated
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  • Suitable for interior construction

    Front mostly drawn decks
    Middle layer closed (cemented)
    Gluing: AW100 class 3 according to DIN EN 636-3
    Quality: I / II according to EN 635-2
    Edges and surface oiled on all sides with linseed oil
    8 leaders 2 mm / above 4 and below 4
    Thickness and dimension tolerances: according to EN 315
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  • Stable panels for shell construction, interior construction and furniture construction

    predominantly dense middle layers
    Gluing: AW100 class 3 according to DIN EN 314-2
    Gluing: AW100 class 3 according to DIN EN 636-3
    Format: 2500 x 1500 mm - others on request
    Quality: I / II according to EN 635-2 br> Bulk density: approx. 780 kg / m3
    Dimensional tolerances: according to EN 315
    Thickness tolerance: ± 0.3 mm calibrated
    Thicknesses: 4 - 50 mm possible
    Surface coatings: HPL covered with our brands Basics, Supermatt, Basics solid and high gloss, also with a noble veneer over 75 veneers from our partner Losan
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  • Stable plates for shell construction, interior construction and furniture construction

    Front side mostly drawn decks middle layer closed (cemented)
    Gluing: AW100 Class 3 according to DIN EN 636-3
    Deck quality: I / III according to EN 635-2
    Edges and surface oiled on all sides with linseed oil
    8 layers 2 mm / above 4 and below 4
    Thickness and dimensional tolerances: according to EN 315
    Thickness: 2,5 - 120 mm
    Possible surface coatings: HPL covered with our brands Basics, Supermatt, Basics solid and high gloss, also veneered with over 75 veneers from our partner Losán
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  • Special board with special cores

    Wood species: birch, beech and poplar Combi plywood beech/poplar, birch/poplar others on request Sizes: 2500 × 1250 mm, 3050 × 1500 mm, 2500 × 1830 mm, 5500 × 1000 mm maximum possible Centre layers: aluminium core, cork, cork / rubber mixture, heavy duty foil Thicknesses: von 2,5 bis 120 mm Thickness tolerances: calibrated up to ± 0.2 mm depending on thickness Glue: PVAC D3 or class 2 according to EN314 PVAC D4 or class 3 according to EN314 D4 formaldehyde-free (sauna), PU and epoxy resin Deck: HPL 0.8 mm, CPL 0.2 mm, HDF, thin chip, others on request
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  • Sturdy board for use in shop fitting and decoration

    Albasia board can be covered with Losán veneers in thicknesses from 4 -18 mm
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  • Suitable for interior construction

    Coverable birch multiplex board in thicknesses of 10 - 41 mm. Possible Losán veneers ami maple. Flower, maple ami. Plain, maple euro. Birch exc- Peeled, birch MD beech steamed, oak euro. Old spruce black cemented, cherry ami., Walnut ami.
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  • IF 20 glued

    The poplar plywood panel impresses with its great stability thanks to several layers. The soft poplar wood makes it easy to work with. As a result, it is used in the following areas: Handicraft and fretwork, decorations, DIY, automotive industry, furniture and boat building, toy manufacturing and in the packaging industry.
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Here, the cus­to­mer wan­ted an unu­su­al fur­ni­tu­re look. The Bro­szeit team of spe­cia­lists took off and brought the pro­ject to a suc­cessful con­clu­si­on with an inno­va­ti­ve in-house development.

Neu­gers­dor­fer Holz­wer­ke GmbH

Sin­ce 2019, the BRO­SZEIT GROUP has been able to offer ply­wood — Made in Ger­ma­ny — in col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with Neu­gers­dor­fer Holz­wer­ke GmbH. Ply­wood panels can be made from birch, beech, and pop­lar, and can be coa­ted with any desi­red sub­stra­tes such as HPL and CPL surfaces.

With the asso­cia­ted pro­ces­sing and assem­bly cen­ter, the panels can be cus­to­mi­zed accor­ding to even the most uni­que cus­to­mer requirements.

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