

Over 75 types of wood in dif­fe­rent qua­li­ties — at Bro­szeit you will find an enorm­ously wide ran­ge of high-qua­li­ty wood veneers in the most diver­se colours as well as with count­less struc­tures and pat­terns. Whe­ther block­board, MDF board, chip­board, ply­wood, mul­ti­plex or ver­mi­cu­li­te: all raw mate­ri­als or deri­ved tim­ber pro­ducts from our ran­ge can be coa­ted with veneer as desired.


New and almost limit­less design pos­si­bi­li­ties for archi­tects, do-it-your­sel­fers and desi­gners thanks to a wide ran­ge of fine venee­red sur­faces right up to real stone veneer.

Appli­ca­ti­on area

Wall panell­ing and furniture



  • Exclusive real wood veneer

    Possible cores:
    chipboard P2 and P3, chipboard B1 fire-retardant, MDF, MDF formaldehyde-free, MDF B1 fire-retardant, MDF coloured black, decorative plywood, poplar plywood, blockboard, laminboard, lightweight boards, Vermiculite A1 non-combustible
    Possible qualities:
    Front: Quality A Extra, Quality A Front, Quality Standard
    Back: Quality B, Quality Blind
    Possible slicing techniques:
    crown cut, quarter cut or quarter rift cut
    Possible joining techniques:
    bookmatched, slipmached, mismatched
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  • Exclusive wood veneer

    Possible cores:
    chipboard P2 and P3, chipboard B1 fire-retardant, MDF, MDF formaldehyde-free, MDF B1 fire-retardant, MDF coloured black, decorative plywood, poplar plywood, blockboard, laminboard, lightweight boards, Vermiculite A1 non-combustible
    Possible qualities:
    Front: Quality A Extra, Quality A Front, Quality Standard
    Back: Quality B, Quality Blind
    Possible slicing techniques:
    crown cut, quarter cut or quarter rift cut
    Possible joining techniques:
    bookmatched, slipmached, mismatched
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  • Exclusive real wood veneer

    Possible cores:
    chipboard P2 and P3, chipboard B1 fire-retardant, MDF, MDF formaldehyde-free, MDF B1 fire-retardant, MDF coloured black, decorative plywood, poplar plywood, blockboard, laminboard, lightweight boards, Vermiculite A1 non-combustible
    Possible qualities:
    Front: Quality A Extra, Quality A Front, Quality Standard
    Back: Quality B, Quality Blind
    Possible slicing techniques:
    crown cut, quarter cut or quarter rift cut
    Possible joining techniques:
    bookmatched, slipmached, mismatched
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  • Exclusive real wood veneer

    Possible cores:
    chipboard P2 and P3, chipboard B1 fire-retardant, MDF, MDF formaldehyde-free, MDF B1 fire-retardant, MDF coloured black, decorative plywood, poplar plywood, blockboard, laminboard, lightweight boards, Vermiculite A1 non-combustible
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  • Exclusive real wood veneer

    Possible cores:
    chipboard P2 and P3, chipboard B1 fire-retardant, MDF, MDF formaldehyde-free, MDF B1 fire-retardant, MDF coloured black, decorative plywood, poplar plywood, blockboard, laminboard, lightweight boards, Vermiculite A1 non-combustible
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  • Exclusive real wood veneer

    Possible cores:
    chipboard P2 and P3, chipboard B1 fire-retardant, MDF, MDF formaldehyde-free, MDF B1 fire-retardant, MDF coloured black, decorative plywood, poplar plywood, blockboard, laminboard, lightweight boards, Vermiculite A1 non-combustible
    Possible qualities:
    Front: Quality A Extra, Quality A Front, Quality Standard
    Back: Quality B, Quality Blind
    Possible slicing techniques:
    crown cut, quarter cut or quarter rift cut
    Possible joining techniques:
    bookmatched, slipmached, mismatched
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  • Exclusive real wood veneer

    Possible cores:
    chipboard P2 and P3, chipboard B1 fire-retardant, MDF, MDF formaldehyde-free, MDF B1 fire-retardant, MDF coloured black, decorative plywood, poplar plywood, blockboard, laminboard, lightweight boards, Vermiculite A1 non-combustible
    Possible qualities:
    Front: Quality A Extra, Quality A Front, Quality Standard
    Back: Quality B, Quality Blind
    Possible slicing techniques:
    crown cut, quarter cut or quarter rift cut
    Possible joining techniques:
    bookmatched, slipmached, mismatched
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  • Exclusive real wood oak veneer

    Possible cores:
    chipboard P2 and P3, chipboard B1 fire-retardant, MDF, MDF formaldehyde-free, MDF B1 fire-retardant, MDF coloured black, decorative plywood, poplar plywood, blockboard, laminboard, lightweight boards, Vermiculite A1 non-combustible
    Possible qualities:
    Front: Quality A Extra, Quality A Front, Quality Standard
    Back: Quality B, Quality Blind
    Possible slicing techniques:
    crown cut, quarter cut or quarter rift cut
    Possible joining techniques:
    bookmatched, slipmached, mismatched
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  • Exclusive real wood veneer made of oak

    Possible cores:
    chipboard P2 and P3, chipboard B1 fire-retardant, MDF, MDF formaldehyde-free, MDF B1 fire-retardant, MDF coloured black, decorative plywood, poplar plywood, blockboard, laminboard, lightweight boards, Vermiculite A1 non-combustible
    Possible qualities:
    Front: Quality A Extra, Quality A Front, Quality Standard
    Back: Quality B, Quality Blind
    Possible slicing techniques:
    crown cut, quarter cut or quarter rift cut
    Possible joining techniques:
    bookmatched, slipmached, mismatched
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  • Exclusive wood veneer made of oak

    Possible cores:
    chipboard P2 and P3, chipboard B1 fire-retardant, MDF, MDF formaldehyde-free, MDF B1 fire-retardant, MDF coloured black, decorative plywood, poplar plywood, blockboard, laminboard, lightweight boards, Vermiculite A1 non-combustible
    Possible qualities:
    Front: Quality A Extra, Quality A Front, Quality Standard
    Back: Quality B, Quality Blind
    Possible slicing techniques:
    crown cut, quarter cut or quarter rift cut
    Possible joining techniques:
    bookmatched, slipmached, mismatched
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  • Exclusive wood veneer made of oak

    Possible cores: chipboard P2 and P3, chipboard B1 fire-retardant, MDF, MDF formaldehyde-free, MDF B1 fire-retardant, MDF coloured black, decorative plywood, poplar plywood, blockboard, laminboard, lightweight boards, Vermiculite A1 non-combustible Possible qualities: Front: Quality A Extra, Quality A Front, Quality Standard Back: Quality B, Quality Blind Possible slicing techniques: crown cut, quarter cut or quarter rift cut Possible joining techniques: bookmatched, slipmached, mismatched
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  • Exclusive wood veneer made of oak

    Possible cores:
    chipboard P2 and P3, chipboard B1 fire-retardant, MDF, MDF formaldehyde-free, MDF B1 fire-retardant, MDF coloured black, decorative plywood, poplar plywood, blockboard, laminboard, lightweight boards, Vermiculite A1 non-combustible
    Possible qualities:
    Front: Quality A Extra, Quality A Front, Quality Standard
    Back: Quality B, Quality Blind
    Possible slicing techniques:
    crown cut, quarter cut or quarter rift cut
    Possible joining techniques:
    bookmatched, slipmached, mismatched
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The solu­ti­on for

They have been instal­led in almost all 3300 Ger­man REWE bran­ches sin­ce 2019: noi­se pro­tec­tion cei­ling panels from Bro­szeit in the form of woo­den mosaic tiles with a uni­que 3D real wood surface.

Broszeit Group Partnerlogo LosanNL

Agen­cy part­ner Losán NL

The finest venee­red products

LosánNL deli­vers world­wi­de to 36 count­ries and is one of the lea­ding manu­fac­tu­r­ers of high-qua­li­ty venee­red wood-based mate­ri­als. LosánNL’s pro­duct lines offer a wide ran­ge of dif­fe­rent wood types, colors, appli­ca­ti­ons, and sur­faces. LosánNL experts con­ti­nuous­ly adapt the veneer sel­ec­tion accor­ding to cus­to­mer requi­re­ments to pro­vi­de the per­fect solu­ti­on for every design chall­enge. LosánNL employs ful­ly envi­ron­men­tal­ly con­scious manu­fac­tu­ring pro­ces­ses. Raw mate­ri­als are sourced from LosánNL’s own spe­ci­al­ly plan­ted forests near their glo­bal factories.

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