The task

REWE was loo­king for new cei­ling noi­se pro­tec­tion panels for its 3300 Ger­man shops. And their pro­per­ties should be almost as diver­se as the retail group’s ran­ge of goods — to be more pre­cise: sound-absor­­bing, fire-pro­of, hygie­nic and, of cour­se, visual­ly attrac­ti­ve with an inde­pen­dent look.

The solu­ti­on

Bro­szeit deli­ver­ed as always — and sin­ce 2019 they have been instal­led nati­on­wi­de: Noi­se pro­tec­tion panels for the cei­ling in the form of wood mosaic tiles with a uni­que 3D real wood sur­face and acou­sti­cal­ly bene­fi­ci­al uneven sur­face. In addi­ti­on, the ele­ments are equip­ped with fire pro­tec­tion lac­quer, dust pro­tec­tion and anti­bac­te­ri­al surface.

  • Broszeit Group Holzmosaik Hamburg natur
  • Broszeit Group Holzmosaik-Fliese Hamburg natur

The task

REWE was loo­king for new cei­ling noi­se pro­tec­tion panels for its 3300 Ger­man shops. And their pro­per­ties should be almost as diver­se as the retail group’s ran­ge of goods — to be more pre­cise: sound-absor­­bing, fire-pro­of, hygie­nic and, of cour­se, visual­ly attrac­ti­ve with an inde­pen­dent look.

The solu­ti­on

Bro­szeit deli­ver­ed as always — and sin­ce 2019 they have been instal­led nati­on­wi­de: Noi­se pro­tec­tion panels for the cei­ling in the form of wood mosaic tiles with a uni­que 3D real wood sur­face and acou­sti­cal­ly bene­fi­ci­al uneven sur­face. In addi­ti­on, the ele­ments are equip­ped with fire pro­tec­tion lac­quer, dust pro­tec­tion and anti­bac­te­ri­al surface.

  • Broszeit Group Holzmosaik Hamburg natur
  • Broszeit Group Holzmosaik-Fliese Hamburg natur