Bro­szeit is crea­tively cross-industry.

In addi­ti­on to well-known small and medi­um-sized com­pa­nies, our cus­to­mers also include lea­ding com­pa­nies and cor­po­ra­ti­ons from a wide varie­ty of indus­tries — and of cour­se not wit­hout reason. Becau­se they all know: When it comes to wood-based mate­ri­als, you can rely on the pro­ven skills of the Bro­szeit Group, from design to mate­ri­al to unu­su­al cus­to­miza­ti­on requests. Try it out — we love challenges!

Spe­cial equip­ment for Audi car dealers

Here, the cus­to­mer wan­ted an unu­su­al fur­ni­tu­re look. The Bro­szeit team of spe­cia­lists took off and brought the pro­ject to a suc­cessful con­clu­si­on with an inno­va­ti­ve in-house development.

With the com­pe­tent and high­ly pro­fes­sio­nal sup­port of Bro­szeit, our trade fair stand was a com­ple­te success.

Ein Aus­schnitt unse­rer Kun­den für die wir bereits erfolg­reich tätig waren.

New look for the RoCo Bar

Exclu­si­ve wood mosaic for the RoCo Bar in the 5‑star Hotel Franks: Bro­szeit crafts the wood mosaic for the chi­cest and most glamo­rous bar in Oberstdorf.

Noi­se pro­tec­tion panels for REWE supermarkets

They have been instal­led in almost all 3300 Ger­man REWE bran­ches sin­ce 2019: noi­se pro­tec­tion cei­ling panels from Bro­szeit in the form of woo­den mosaic tiles with a uni­que 3D real wood surface.

New look for Levi’s store

Exclu­si­ve out­fit, per­fect­ly com­bi­ned with dura­bi­li­ty and opti­mi­sed hygie­ne: Bro­szeit pro­du­ces indi­vi­du­al “fur­ni­tu­re coll­ec­tion” for the new Stutt­gart sales rooms of the jeans­wear cult brand.

Flo­ors for CAPRON motorhomes

Extre­me light­ness, relia­ble sta­bi­li­ty, and high resis­tance to mois­tu­re: Bro­szeit pro­vi­des ply­wood flo­o­ring for the high-qua­li­ty and func­tion­al motor­ho­mes of CAPRON.

Birch ply­wood for ONGO® office equipment

Bro­szeit pro­vi­des cus­tom birch ply­wood work sur­faces for ONGO® to crea­te a healt­hi­er and more fle­xi­ble office workspace for tomor­row. Scratch-resistant and anti­bac­te­ri­al, the table­tops offer func­tion­a­li­ty and design in per­fect combination.

We also imple­ment your pro­ject in mar­ket lea­der quality!