The task

For the year 2021, an inno­va­ti­ve out­fit was plan­ned for the Levi’s store in Stutt­gart that com­bi­nes impres­si­ve modern design with well thought-out func­tion­a­li­ty. The new sales rooms were the­r­e­fo­re not only to con­vin­ce in terms of dura­bi­li­ty and hygie­ne, but also with their out­stan­ding exter­nal appearance.

The solu­ti­on

Bro­szeit tail­o­red an ide­al bespo­ke pie­ce for the Levi’s store from chip­board and MDF, finis­hed with a uni­que Ker­ne­sche veneer from Losán. In addi­ti­on, the panels of the cash desk area were equip­ped with HPL Super­matt Black. Not only do they have a par­ti­cu­lar­ly ele­gant, high-qua­­li­­ty look, but their scratch-resistant and anti­bac­te­ri­al sur­face makes them ide­al for the high demands of ever­y­day sales.

  • Broszeit Group Referenz Levis Store Maßanfertigung aus Span- und MDF-Platten, veredelt mit einem einzigartigen Kernesche-Furnier
  • Broszeit Group Broszeit z38 Schwarz matte edle HPL-Oberfläche

The task

For the year 2021, an inno­va­ti­ve out­fit was plan­ned for the Levi’s store in Stutt­gart that com­bi­nes impres­si­ve modern design with well thought-out func­tion­a­li­ty. The new sales rooms were the­r­e­fo­re not only to con­vin­ce in terms of dura­bi­li­ty and hygie­ne, but also with their out­stan­ding exter­nal appearance.

The solu­ti­on

Bro­szeit tail­o­red an ide­al bespo­ke pie­ce for the Levi’s store from chip­board and MDF, finis­hed with a uni­que Ker­ne­sche veneer from Losán. In addi­ti­on, the panels of the cash desk area were equip­ped with HPL Super­matt Black. Not only do they have a par­ti­cu­lar­ly ele­gant, high-qua­­li­­ty look, but their scratch-resistant and anti­bac­te­ri­al sur­face makes them ide­al for the high demands of ever­y­day sales.

  • Broszeit Group Referenz Levis Store Maßanfertigung aus Span- und MDF-Platten, veredelt mit einem einzigartigen Kernesche-Furnier
  • Broszeit Group Broszeit z38 Schwarz matte edle HPL-Oberfläche