

Sin­ce 2019, Bro­szeit Group has also included a ply­wood and coa­ting plant with its own pro­ces­sing and assem­bly cent­re in Neu­gers­dorf, Sax­o­ny. This means that we can now offer our cus­to­mers ply­wood in birch, beech or pop­lar “Made in Ger­ma­ny” — with HPL as well as CPL sur­face coa­ting on request. In addi­ti­on, we also sup­p­ly spe­cial ply­wood with various midd­le lay­ers such as alu­mi­ni­um core, cork, cork-rub­ber mix­tu­re or hea­vy-duty foil on request.


Depen­ding on the type of wood or design used, Bro­szeit ply­wood is extre­me­ly light, high­ly sta­ble, ben­da­ble, fla­me retar­dant and resistant to mois­tu­re and high tem­pe­ra­tu­re fluctuations.

Appli­ca­ti­on area

Fur­ni­tu­re con­s­truc­tion, coun­ter con­s­truc­tion, object con­s­truc­tion, shop fit­ting, ship­buil­ding, vehic­le con­s­truc­tion, faca­des, load-bea­ring and stres­sed constructions




  • IF 20 glued

    The poplar plywood board impresses with its great stability thanks to its multiple layers. The soft poplar wood enables easy processing. As a result, it is used in the following areas: handicrafts and fretwork, decorations, do-it-yourselfers, the automotive industry, furniture and boat building, toy manufacturing and in the packaging industry.
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  • IF 20 glued

    The poplar plywood panel impresses with its great stability thanks to several layers. The soft poplar wood makes it easy to work with. As a result, it is used in the following areas: Handicraft and fretwork, decorations, DIY, automotive industry, furniture and boat building, toy manufacturing and in the packaging industry.
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  • IF 20 glued

    The poplar plywood board impresses with its great stability thanks to its multiple layers. The soft poplar wood enables easy processing. As a result, it is used in the following areas: handicrafts and fretwork, decorations, do-it-yourselfers, the automotive industry, furniture and boat building, toy manufacturing and in the packaging industry.
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  • IF 20 glued

    The poplar plywood board impresses with its great stability thanks to its multiple layers. The soft poplar wood enables easy processing. As a result, it is used in the following areas: handicrafts and fretwork, decorations, do-it-yourselfers, the automotive industry, furniture and boat building, toy manufacturing and in the packaging industry.
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  • IF 20 glued

    The poplar plywood board impresses with its great stability thanks to its multiple layers. The soft poplar wood enables easy processing. As a result, it is used in the following areas: handicrafts and fretwork, decorations, do-it-yourselfers, the automotive industry, furniture and boat building, toy manufacturing and in the packaging industry.
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  • IF 20 glued

    Eucalyptus plywood can be covered with Losán veneers, maple ami., Beech. steamed, oak euro., ash, walnut ami., pine, cherry tree, ami. Sapeli
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  • Gluing AW 100, E1, EUTR certified thicknesses from 3 - 16 mm

    Highly stable, flexible plywood with Ceiba core. All strengths are available in lengthways and crossways. The panels are CE certified according to the European standard ECC 89/106. This has been checked by an independent organization (Bureau Veritas). Our flexible plywood can be used in many different areas such as hotel receptions, trade fair construction, furniture construction, shipbuilding, etc. The exterior 1 gluing of the flexible plywood distinguishes it from other plywood available on the market
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  • Glue AW 100, E1, EUTR certified Thicknesses from 3 - 16 mm

    Highly stable, flexible plywood with Ceiba core. All thicknesses are available in lengthways and crossways. The panels are CE certified according to the European standard ECC 89/106. This has been checked by an independent organization (Bureau Veritas). Our flexible plywood can be used in many different areas such as hotel receptions, in trade fair construction, furniture construction, shipbuilding, etc. The exterior 1 gluing of the flexible plywood distinguishes it from other plywood available on the market.
    Broszeit Group Icon Feuerhemmend orange

    fire retar­dant

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Here, the cus­to­mer wan­ted an unu­su­al fur­ni­tu­re look. The Bro­szeit team of spe­cia­lists took off and brought the pro­ject to a suc­cessful con­clu­si­on with an inno­va­ti­ve in-house development.

Neu­gers­dor­fer Holz­wer­ke GmbH

Sin­ce 2019, the BRO­SZEIT GROUP has been able to offer ply­wood — Made in Ger­ma­ny — in col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with Neu­gers­dor­fer Holz­wer­ke GmbH. Ply­wood panels can be made from birch, beech, and pop­lar, and can be coa­ted with any desi­red sub­stra­tes such as HPL and CPL surfaces.

With the asso­cia­ted pro­ces­sing and assem­bly cen­ter, the panels can be cus­to­mi­zed accor­ding to even the most uni­que cus­to­mer requirements.

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