Uni­lin-Dure­lis LF + ton­gue and groo­ve 4‑sided — top finish

Low-formaldehyde, moisture-resistant and load-bearing chipboard for construction

Surface: raw, sanded
Formate: 2500 x 1250 mm, 3050 x 1250 mm

Stärken: 19 und 25 mm
Low formaldehyde moisture resistant and structural P5 chipboard, finished on the edges with tongue-and-groove. Durelis LF+ TG is suitable for use in humid conditions, service class 2, mainly structural flooring or racking board in walls. This board has low formaldehyde emission (E1 class) and also meets the requirements to comply with the ChemVerbotsV for the Germany market. Durelis LF+ TG is made from 100% recovered wood: up to 90% post-consumer wood, supplemented by 10% pre-consumer wood from waste flows from the wood industry or thinned wood from sustainable forestry and verge management.

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chip­board ton­gue and groove

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