Easy Plug®2024-07-05T13:49:46+02:00

Easy Plug®

Quick, easy and inex­pen­si­ve to a smooth and flaw­less con­cre­te sur­face: Easy­Plug® is the inge­nious repair sys­tem for used form­work. In this way, you can pre­vent dama­ge on site befo­re it occurs or has to be labo­rious­ly remo­ved. The Easy­Plug® set is available with all the neces­sa­ry tools and access­ories such as cylin­der head drills, mil­ling cut­ters for elon­ga­ted holes and various glues for repai­ring dama­ge to formwork.


Easy Plug® repair pads are available in 40 mm and 60 mm as well as in varia­ble sur­faces and colors — such as B. wood-fil­led PP — available. The EasyS­lat® repair strips are available in varia­ble lengths bet­ween 100 mm and 600 mm for the repair of lar­ger dama­ge or scratches.

Are­as of application

Repair sys­tem for the quick and easy rem­oval of holes, scrat­ches, anchor holes or nail impres­si­ons in used formwork.

  • Repair system for used formwork

    The Easy Plug Set with all the necessary tools and accessories for repairing damage to formwork. Flexible and ready for immediate use directly on site specially developed tools with cylinder head drills and indexable inserts as well as for milling cutters for long hole bores. Key and adjustment plate for changing knives. Router for industrial use, tailored to the tools. Different glues such as PVAC or PU glue. Folding timber made from 18 mm birch plywood.
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  • for repairing minor damage

    Easy Plug repair plates are available with a diameter of 40 and 60 mm and a thickness of 3.2 mm. Standard is a phenolic resin coating with a thickness of 220g / m² and a waterproof coating on the back! This means that there is no more unwanted swelling of the slab and therefore no more ugly marks on the concrete surface!
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  • for repairing major damage

    EASY SLAT® is available in variable lengths between 100 mm and 600 mm. The strips are 3.2 mm thick and coated on one side with 220g/m² phenolic resin and on the reverse side with waterproof film.
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The solu­ti­on for

They have been instal­led in almost all 3300 Ger­man REWE bran­ches sin­ce 2019: noi­se pro­tec­tion cei­ling panels from Bro­szeit in the form of woo­den mosaic tiles with a uni­que 3D real wood surface.

We manu­fac­tu­re to measure.

When it comes to machi­ning, we are also expe­ri­en­ced experts who are very fami­li­ar with all the rele­vant pro­ces­ses. Cut­ting to size, CNC dril­ling and mil­ling, coa­ting, var­nis­hing, pre-assem­bly, edge pro­ces­sing, oiling, atta­ching space pro­tec­tion strips… Bro­szeit sup­pli­es you with ever­y­thing exact­ly in the desi­red form — from com­po­si­te ele­ments and fine venee­red wood mate­ri­als to the finis­hed fur­ni­tu­re part.

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