Uni­lin Evo­la-Antiv­lam: Mela­mi­ne faced fire-retar­dant and non-struc­tu­ral chipboard

Melamine faced fire-retardant and non-structural chipboard for interior and furniture

Due to the addition of halogen-free phosphate salts, the MUF-glued Antivlam chipboards have highly fire-retardant
properties (Euroclass B-s1, d0). Antivlam extinguishes itself and no longer glows after removing the heat source. In addition, the mechanical strength of Antivlam chipboard is retained for a long time in the event of fire.
the mechanical strength of Antivlam chipboard is retained for a long time in the event of fire. Antivlam must be used in service class 1 (temperature and humidity restrictions) and is only suitable within hazard class 1 of standard EN 335-3. Direct contact with
water must be avoided in any case.

Surface: Melamine faced
Weight: ??? kg / m3
Glue: ???
Sizes: 2800 x 2070 mm, 2500x 1250 mm, 3050 x 1250 mm
Thicknesses: 10 - 22 mm

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chip­board-mela­mi­ne coated

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fire retar­dant

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