At Bro­szeit, the­re is almost not­hing that is not available.

When it comes to machi­ning, we are also expe­ri­en­ced experts who are very fami­li­ar with all the rele­vant pro­ces­ses. Cut­ting to size, CNC dril­ling and mil­ling, coa­ting, var­nis­hing, pre-assem­bly, edge pro­ces­sing, oiling, atta­ching impact pro­tec­tion strips… Bro­szeit sup­pli­es you with ever­y­thing exact­ly in the desi­red form — from com­po­si­te ele­ments and fine venee­red wood mate­ri­als to the finis­hed fur­ni­tu­re part. Of cour­se, this also appli­es to indi­vi­du­al cus­tom-made pro­ducts. After a detail­ed per­so­nal con­sul­ta­ti­on, we design the ide­al solu­ti­on for your requi­re­ments — and then also take care of pre­cise and high-qua­li­ty production.


In the end, mil­li­me­ters are decisi­ve. That is why we cut our wood-based mate­ri­als exact­ly to your dimen­si­ons with two pre­cis­i­on saws. The maxi­mum panel for­mat of 5600 x 2600 mm can be cut accor­ding to your requirements.


With our pre-assem­bly ser­vice, we take care of the cut­ting and assem­bly of indi­vi­du­al parts for you — pre­cis­e­ly and quick­ly, accor­ding to your wis­hes and spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons. You will recei­ve the deli­very of the finis­hed con­s­truc­tions on time for the final assembly.

CNC pro­ces­sing

For this pur­po­se, we have two machi­ning cen­tres with which a maxi­mum panel size of 5000 x 1300 mm or 4500 x 1560 mm can be machi­ned. Roun­dings, holes or slot­ted holes are possible.

Edge pro­ces­sing

Our modern edge­ban­ding machi­nes are sui­ta­ble for any type of edge­ban­ding such as solid wood edge­ban­ding, ABS edge­ban­ding, mela­mi­ne edge­ban­ding, PMMA acrylic edge­ban­ding, etc. All edges can be glued with EVA hot melt glue or a PU glue. We pro­cess thic­k­nes­ses from 8 to 60 mm as well as all lengths from 120 mm and widths from 65 mm.

Sur­face coa­ting (HPL/CPL)

We sup­p­ly HPL or CPL com­po­si­te ele­ments in a wide ran­ge of decors and for­mats. In this respect, our press is cle­ar­ly ahead of most other sys­tems in terms of fle­xi­bi­li­ty and gluing. This allows us to glue panel for­mats of up to 3200 x 2100 mm! As stan­dard glue we use a poly­ure­tha­ne (PU) glue, which is water­pro­of and very fle­xi­ble with regard to gluing any car­ri­er material.

Cus­tom-made products

From light­weight ele­ments to chip­board honey­comb panels or solid impact pro­tec­tion strips to venee­red or lac­que­r­ed panels and much more: sim­ply let your ima­gi­na­ti­on and con­s­truc­ti­ve ide­as run wild! Becau­se our pro­fes­sio­nals manu­fac­tu­re the wood mate­ri­al that your dreams are made of.

You want to know more?

Talk to our experts about the ver­sa­ti­le possibilities
of our wood-based mate­ri­al processing.